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02--04-13 Special Meeting

Commission on Aging
Minutes of Special Meeting
Monday,  February 4, 2013


The Commission on Aging held a special meeting on Monday, February 4, 2013 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  Chairman Curt Symes called the meeting to order at 5:10 pm.

Members Present:  Curt Symes. Thomas Dwyer, Karin Aurelia, Larry Schneider, Joan Plouffe,  Sheila Torres, LeReine Frampton, Joanne Davis, Margaret Imbro

Member Absent: Mary Ellen Lydem, Anne Rothstein and JoAnne Albanesi.

Support & Advisory Present:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services; Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly; Maryhelen McCarthy, Police Officer, Newtown Police Department & TRIAD Representative

CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS – Mr. Symes noted that a lot had happened in town since the last meeting in November.  He suggested the Commission should think about how to help the seniors feel good about Newtown.  Ms. Place and Ms. Piccini will advise on what has taken place since the December 14 tragedy.

Mr. Symes asked Mr. Dwyer to remain on the Commission until a suitable replacement can be found.  In the meantime he and the Commission expressed their gratitude to him for his inexhaustible time and energy he put in throughout his term as Chair.  Mr. Dwyer was given a plaque recognizing his service to the Commission.  

MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 19, 2012 MEETING – Mr. Schneider moved to approve the Minutes of November 19, 2012 meeting as submitted.  Seconded by Ms. Plouffe and approved unanimously.

ACCEPTANCE OF 2013 MEETING SCHEDULEMs. Plouffe moved to approve the 2013 meeting schedule as submitted.  Seconded by Mr. Schneider and approved unanimously.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – Mr. Symes suggested that visibility of seniors should be the focus for 2013.  Visibility should be the operative word.  After December 14, intergenerational activities were being pursued between the seniors and the children in the adjoining nursery school with great success and should be encouraged.

Revisions to the bylaws and Charter Revisions need work.  The Legislative Council is looking for volunteers to work on the Charter Revisions.

A new aspect to the Senior Center relocation problem might be solved by the use of the Sandy Hook Elementary School.  There are sure to be differences of opinion on the matter.  Ms. Place suggested obtaining feedback from the seniors to ascertain how the majority feels.

TREASURER’S REPORT –The latest report as of February 2, 2013 was distributed.  
(Attachment A to the original minutes) – Because the next meeting is scheduled for the 25th of this month, she suggested combining the data and making a full report at that time.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment B to the original minutes) – Ms. Place distributed her Report for the period November 21, 2012 to January 28, 2013 highlighting significant entries in it.  

Judy Sims, Director of CAC and Ms. Place collaborated to renew an old program of a “Story Time” with seniors reading to the children.  It is very successful etc.  Seniors are also doing Valentines for the CAC children..  

The tragedy of the Sandy Hook Elementary School impacted everyone and Ms. Place said she is trying to return to some normalcy.  She had a meeting with Ann Marie Davenport Chaplin of Masonicare will be partnering with M. Place to introduce a grief education seminar with the retirees.  More details will follows.  

Ms. Place advised of a communication she received from Sue Marcinek, Executive Assistant to the First Selectman regarding complaints received by some seniors about cancellation of exercise classes due to the AARP tax help service coming to the Senior Center.  One instructor is willing to go wherever the class is held and wondered if the instructor could still be paid by the senior center.  No mention of who would pick up the tab for the facility used.  Ms. Place said there is a need to increase the price of the classes anyway.  This only affects six Mondays.  There are other classes every Wednesday and Friday.

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERY REPORT (Attachment C to the original minutes) – Ms. Piccini distributed and went over her Report dated January 28, 2013.


Planned Giving Program – Mr. Symes reported that he addressed the Legislative Council to explain the policy.  This was well received and they asked him to return this Wednesday for further discussion.  He felt that the program has been sufficiently vetted to proceed.  

Proposed New Senior Center & CIP Status – Mr. Symes had a meeting with the Legislative Council regarding the new senior center.  There is uncertainty with the town budget.  There are a lot of unknowns right now.  The town staff have had a lot of things to do since December 14.  Bob Tate must make sure that all contributions are properly accounted for.  

Strategic Planning Team – Ms. Torres’s Proposed Focus Teams as of 1/27/13:

1.      Strategic Planning & Programs Team: - Research, planning, advocacy within the community and liaison o other government entities & representatives.  “Brainstorm” new programs, program resources, networking at Senior Center and elsewhere.  Liaise with Parks and Rec and Adult Education on programs for seniors.
        Members:  Curt Symes, Joanne Davis,  Tom Dwyer, Joan Plouffe, Sheila Torres
2.      Finance & Legal:  Financial and legal issues, including budget, CIP, grants and planned giving
        Members:        Joanne Davis and Joan Plouffe
        a.  Grants:     Anne Rothstein and Sheila Torres
        b,  Planned Giving:  Curt Symes and Joanne Davis
        c,  Bylaws:     Joanne Davis, Joan Plouffe and Larry Schneider

3.      Community Relations: - Public relations, senior directory, editorial calendar, Open House, website, traveling exhibit and local newspapers.
        Members:        Sheila Torres, Margaret Imbro and LeReine Frampton

4,      Senior Center/Facilities:  Focus on uses of existing Center (including space planning impact on program offerings) and plans for new Center.  Research sites used by other town agencies for suitability for senior programming sponsored by COA and/or Senior Center.
        Members:        JoAnne Albanesi, Mary Ellen Lydem and Tom Dwyer.

CoA DOCUMENTATION & SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDE STATUS  - Ms. Torres reported that trend information has been added to the Senior Service Guide based on input from Mr. Symtes, eg., STDs.  Documents have been consolidated from Open House and they will work with the Town Hall to include bios in the web page for the COA.  Documents will be consolidated as part of Traveling Exhibit (see below).  A “Wish List” to the “How You Can Help” leaflet.

Membership consists of Ms. Torres, Ms. Frampton and Ms. Imbro who meet every second Monday at 3:00p.m.  Charter:  To raise awareness among Newtown residents, including public officials, about senior resident issues and aspirations, making a concerted effort to ensure that the needs of all seniors are addressed and to encourage all residents to connect with and support each other.

2013 Plan:

1.      Complete and distribute Senior Services Guide –begin with 500 –copy run in April and obtain feedback from key groups such as senior housing residents, senior center members and others to be incorporated into revised larger print run to be distributed in Fall Open House.

2.      Create and launch a “traveling exhibit” that can be used at various events and venues to raise awareness about Newtown’s aging residents, their issues, needs and aspirations.  The exhibit will include all materials previously used for open house (updated) as well as” the Newtown Senior Center brochure, a Newtown Demographics Overview, a Newtown Senior Transportation Flyer and others.

3.      Develop a “Senior Census” based on list of registered voters.  Use as basis for mailing list of an invitation from the Commission on Aging to seniors inviting them and their families to the Fall Senior Center Open House, include in that invitation information about the senior center web site, transportation to the senior center and other places and how that works and other relevant information.  Remind invitees of the useful information and activities that will be available at the Open House.

4.      Organize and host a “Sunday Café” event with a topic or activity to aging residents with the goal of bringing residents together and encouraging interconnections.  Encourage multi-generation interaction by encouraging all residents to attend.

REFURBISHING OF CURRENT SENIOR CENTER – Mr. Dwyer and Ms. Lydem had worked with Ms. Place developing a “Wish List” for the center:

        The Reception area be enclosed (like outside the Selectman’s office)
        New Reception Desk that is user-friendly
        Flat screen TV in Main Room, also a proper hutch for it.
        Paint Main Room
        My Senior Center Network
        New cupboards and counter in Main Room

Ms. Place noted that a timely move to a newly remodeled building would obviate these needs.  There are certain outstanding maintenance issues that need to be addressed, such as A/C condensation leakage, etc.

NEW BUSINESS – There was nothing to report


ADJOURNMENT –  Ms. Framptom made a motion to adjourn.The meeting adjourned.  Seconded by Ms. Plouffe.  The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

Margaret Wilkin, Clerk